yNv0mt podklady 1 tyden podzim 2020

Public Deck
Created by tamara
Flashcards in this deck (34)
  • What is the dorsal surface of the scapula called?

    Facies dorsalis scapulae

    scapula anatomy
  • What is the ridge on the scapula called?

    Spina scapulae

    scapula anatomy
  • What is the triangular tuberosity on the scapula?

    Tuberositas triangularis scapulae

    scapula anatomy
  • What is the bony process on the scapula called?


    scapula anatomy
  • What is the articular surface of the acromion?

    Facies articularis acromii

    scapula anatomy
  • What is the supraspinous fossa?

    Fossa supraspinata

    scapula anatomy
  • What is the infraspinous fossa?

    Fossa infraspinata

    scapula anatomy
  • What muscle is located below the spine of the scapula?


    anatomy muscles
  • What is the name of the minor teres muscle?

    Teres minor

    anatomy muscles
  • What is the name of the major teres muscle?

    Teres major

    anatomy muscles
  • What muscle is responsible for protraction of the scapula?

    Serratus anterior

    anatomy muscles
  • What is the name of the minor rhomboid muscle?

    Rhomboid minor

    anatomy muscles
  • What is the name of the major rhomboid muscle?

    Rhomboid major

    anatomy muscles
  • What muscle is located on the back of the upper arm?

    Triceps brachii

    anatomy muscles
  • What movement elevates the right scapula?

    Elevation of right scapula

    anatomy movements
  • What movement depresses the scapula?

    Depression of scapula

    anatomy movements
  • What movement adducts the scapula?

    Adduction of scapula

    anatomy movements
  • What movement abducts the scapula?

    Abduction of scapula

    anatomy movements
  • What is the downward rotation of the scapula?

    Downward rotation of scapula

    anatomy movements
  • What is the upward rotation of the scapula?

    Upward rotation of scapula

    anatomy movements
  • What is the bone of the upper arm called?


    anatomy bones
  • What does the humerus connect to?

    Scapula and forearm bones

    anatomy bones
  • What is the proximal end of the humerus?

    Caput humeri

    anatomy humerus
  • What is the anatomical neck of the humerus called?

    Collum anatomicum

    anatomy humerus
  • What is the greater tubercle of the humerus?

    Tuberculum majus

    anatomy humerus
  • What is the lesser tubercle of the humerus?

    Tuberculum minus

    anatomy humerus
  • What is the crest of the greater and lesser tubercles?

    Crista tuberculi majoris et minoris

    anatomy humerus
  • What is the intertubercular groove of the humerus?

    Sulcus intertubercularis

    anatomy humerus
  • What is the surgical neck of the humerus?

    Collum chirurgicum

    anatomy humerus
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