When you export flashcards from AnkiDecks to Anki, they may not appear in the same order by default. However, you can sort them in Anki by their creation time, which should match the original order from AnkiDecks.
Sorting Flashcards in Anki Desktop
To sort your flashcards by creation time on Anki Desktop:
- Open your deck in Anki Desktop.
- Click on "Browse" to open the card browser.
- In the card browser, click on the column header "Created" to sort by creation date. If you don’t see the "Created" column, right-click on any column header to add it.
- Once sorted, your flashcards will display in the same order as they were created on AnkiDecks.
Sorting Flashcards in AnkiDroid
On AnkiDroid, you can also organize flashcards by creation date:
- Open your deck in the AnkiDroid Card Browser.
- Tap the three dots in the top-right corner and select "Choose display order ↓".
- Select "Order cards by" and choose "Created." This will display your flashcards in the same order as they were created on AnkiDecks.
If you have any further questions about flashcard order or other features, feel free to reach out!